How to squat correctly
The Details: How to Do a Squat Correctly Every Time, Step by Step
Step 1: Stand straight with feet hip-width apart.
Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your hips, and place your hands on your hips.
Step 2: Tighten your stomach muscles.
Standing up tall, gently pull your shoulders back, subtly lift your chest. On an exhale, try to pull your navel into your back to engage your deep abdominal muscles, which keep the spine and pelvis stable.
Step 3: Lower down, as if sitting in an invisible chair.
Bend your knees while keeping your upper body as straight as possible, as if you were lowering yourself onto a seat behind you. It is OK to allow your torso to tilt naturally as you squat, just don’t collapse your chest or round your shoulders forward. If you’re too erect, your hips cannot release properly and you’ll put too much strain on your knees.
Lower yourself as far as you can without leaning your upper body more than a few inches forward. Go as deep as you can comfortably. If you have knee issues, don’t go deeper than a 90-degree angle, with your thighs parallel to the floor.
Tip: Don’t allow your knees to go too far forward. You don’t want them to stick out past your toes—instead, try to keep them in line with your toes. Also, don’t let your knees cave inward. Press them outward (almost as if you were pushing out an invisible resistance band) so they stay aligned with your feet as you squat down.
Step 4: Straighten your legs to lift back up.
Straighten your legs, being careful not to lock your knees when you reach a standing position.
Tip: Keep your heels “glued” to the floor as you squat, and then think about driving them into the ground as you rise up to return to the starting position. This will put even more emphasis on your glutes.